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Writer's pictureMichael Maggs

Safety First!

With the weather heating up, patrons will want to enjoy the pool with family and friends. Pool parties are a highlight of the summer for many people, but they also bring additional pool hazards. Residential pool management should take the steps towards preventing accidents throughout the summer, and especially during pool parties.

Address Alcohol

During gathering and fun social events, guests sometimes like to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. However, alcohol and swimming pools are a hazardous combo! Intoxicated swimming is dangerous. While intoxicated, the senses are impaired. Because of this, there is an increased risk of drowning. In addition to risks associated with swimming inside the pool, there are also hazards that come with being intoxicated around the pool. Guests dwelling near the pool who are intoxicated have an increased risk of injury from slipping and falling on the ground or into the pool.

Create Crowd Limitations

It’s also important to limit how many guests a resident can have at the pool at once. If an overcrowded pool party is underway, safety can be compromised. This is because too many people in a pool change the chemical balance too quickly. This can lead to unsafe, unsanitary swimming. Additionally, a crowd that is too large may increase the risk of injuries, slips, and falls. First, create a limit on how many people are allowed in the pool area at a time. Next, make it a rule that residents have to notify the complex about how many guests they’re expecting if they’re throwing a pool party.

Block off Hazardous Areas

In many pool environments, there are areas that guests should stay away from. Unfortunately, people are bound to wander and accidentally end up in hazardous areas. Community facilities should take necessary steps to block off these areas so that guests can’t access them. Pool drains are a main hazard that need to be managed. It’s important that your facility utilizes proper pool drain covers to prevent associated accidents. Additionally, cordon off any areas around the pool where you don’t want guests entering.

Hire a Lifeguard!

This is a no brainer! Hiring a lifeguard for any after hours pool parties greatly decreases pool associated risks. Lifeguards monitor the pool and keep a close watch on patrons. They are always ready to jump into action in case of any accidents! Guards are also trained to handle minor pool injuries and know how to respond in case of an emergency. If you’re interested in hiring a lifeguard for a pool party, Personal Lifeguard lifeguard Services can help! We can provide lifeguard services for after hours events. Contact your us for more information

Everyone loves pool parties, and residents love to enjoy the pool with friends. However, it’s necessary to lay out some ground rules so that everyone stays safe during pool gatherings and events. Contact us for insight on how to make your pool safer!



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